My electric mountainboard

Full spec:

  • top speed: ~50km/h (you don’t wanna ride with that speed without full-face helmet and pads for knees and elbows)
  • average range: 20km
  • power: 5.4kW (7hp)
  • batteries: 2x10S 5Ah (37V 10Ah)
  • motors: dual Turnigy sk3 6463 245kv
  • esc: heli esc Turnigy delux 80A
  • drive: chain drive with 7.5 ratio
  • controller: my GalWii controller with thumb throttle
  • brakes: my version of brakes, similar to MBS V brakes.
  • board: MBS Atom 85
  • trucks: MBS ATS Truck
  • tires: MBS roadie tires (200mm)

There is nearly no hill in existence that this board couldn’t climb. jk jk

This is my charging station. iCharger and batteries on top of 28-52V 30A DC power supply.



Exploring new places.



2 Odgovora na My electric mountainboard

  1. Bojan Halas says:

    Lotil sem se projekta električnga mtb.
    Ali mogoče veš, kje bi dobil zobnike za pogon koles in pripadajočo verigo? Ali pa jermen in jermenice?
    Kako krmiliš oba esc-ja naenkrat? Z Y-adapterjem za priklop obeh na en kanal sprejemnika?

    Lp, Bojan!

    • admin says:


      Zobnike za verigo lahko dobiš v Tehimpexu ali pa v Intercom Celje. Karmilnika sem imel povezana z Y kablom.

      lp, Gal

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